Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), a state-run Indian telecom operator, didn't need to bring new voice and SMS-only plans. This is because BSNL already had such plans on offer. The two plans from BSNL that are under the category of voice or voice + SMS only cost Rs 99 and Rs 439. These plans have been available for quite some time now. With both these vouchers, you will get voice calling, but there's no data bundled. Let's take a look at their benefits.
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BSNL Rs 99 Prepaid Plan
BSNL's Rs 99 prepaid plan comes with a service validity of 17 days. This plan offers unlimited voice calling and nothing else. This is basically a calling voucher with unlimited voice calling. It will work everywhere in India including Mumbai and Delhi.
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BSNL Rs 439 Prepaid Plan
With the Rs 439 plan from BSNL, users get unlimited voice calling and 300 SMS in total. The service validity of this plan is 90 days. Comparatively, BSNL's medium-term plan for voice and SMS is cheaper than what you get with Airtel, Jio and Vi.
There are no other such plans offered by BSNL. Note that BSNL doesn't yet offer VoLTE services PAN-India. The telecom operator is in the process of rolling out 4G for customers across the nation. So far, BSNL has deployed more than 60,000 4G sites using made-in-India technology. For the users who have BSNL's 4G SIM, the VoLTE will be enabled by default. You don't have to worry about activating it manually. Very soon, BSNL is going to make other upgrades in its services which includes things such as arrival of eSIM technology and more.
BSNL much recently rolled out several new services as Live TV (IFTV) bundled at no additional cost with FTTH (Fiber-t0-the-Home) connections, SIM kiosks, D2D (Direct-to-Device) communication and more.