Apple’s official reseller Imagine Store sells 13-inch Apple MacBook Air M1 for a flat discount of Rs 4,645. Originally priced at Rs 92,900 for its 256GB storage variant, the device is now available for Rs 88,255. The customer can grab this December offer until December 12.
There were better deals earlier, especially on Amazon and Imagine Store itself. Considering that the current deal expires on December 12, this could be the last chance for the aspirants to grab this Apple flagship device.
Another higher variant of 512GB storage of MacBook Air M1 is also available for a flat discount of Rs 5,895, taking its current price tag to Rs 1,12,005.
The customers can also grab a Rs 6000 cashback if they avail a standard EMI with HDFC debit or credit card. There is a full swipe offer, offering Rs 6000 cashback on all HDFC credit cards. If available for delivery at your postal pin code, the shipping will be within 1-2 days and is free of any delivery charges.
Apple MacBook Air M1 Specifications
Launched in 2020, MacBook Air M1 was the first system that featured an M1 chip from Apple. M1 chip brought a giant leap in CPU, GPU and machine learning performance for the device. The notebook also features 16-core Neural Engine, further augmenting its machine learning performance.
MacBook Air M1 comes with a 13-inch screen with Retina display P3 wide colour, the company’s True Tone and a Backlit keyboard that promises vibrant details. Under the hood, it houses an 8-core CPU along with 8GB memory and 256GB SSD storage.
Apple MacBook Air M1 also has a Touch ID integrated into the power on button. The laptop comes with a force touch trackpad. It supports Wi-Fi 6 and comes with two Thunderbolt ports. Three-microphone, FaceTime HD and fanless design are other additions. The biggest highlight of the MacBook Air M1 is that it is 18 hours of battery life.
MacBook Air M1 is available in three colour tones – gold, silver and space grey. Imagine Store is currently running a slew of discounts on most Apple products.