Xiaomi is all set to launch the Redmi Note 10 Pro 5G and the smartphone has already started making a headline. We have witnessed a series of leaks and rumours about the handset and it has been speculated that the Redmi Note 10 Pro 5G might launch with the Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset with a 5G modem. In the latest development, it has been reported that the upcoming smartphone is expected to be shipped with the Snapdragon 750G. The handset is also said to launch with a 120Hz refresh rate display. Let’s have a closer look at the latest leak.
Redmi Note 10 Pro 5G Leak
Popular tipster Abhishek Yadav has shared an image of the Redmi Note 10 Pro 5G phone on his official Twitter account. The rendered image suggests that the 5G variant of the Redmi Note 10 Pro is under development and the promo image is available in the Spanish language. It seems that the handset will be the first launch in Spain and the head to other markets. The smartphone that appeared on the render shows a similar design to the regular Redmi Note 10 Pro variant.
According to the tipster the Redmi Note 10 Pro 5G might be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 750G as the promo image also reveals a Qualcomm branding. However, do note that the company is yet to reveal anything about the smartphone officially. It's recommended to take this information with a pinch of salt.
Xiaomi is tipped to launch the 5G variant of the Redmi Note 10 Pro for quite a long time. The handset has also appeared on numerous certification and benchmarking websites. Back in January, it was listed on the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) listing hinting towards an imminent India launch.
However, the company launched the 4G variant in March instead of launching the 5G model. Xiaomi launched the Redmi Note 10 5G in the European and the US market starting at USD 199 (Approx Rs 14,700) for the 6GB RAM and 64GB storage. It would be interesting to see at what price the company is going to launch the phone in India.
Just to recall the Redmi Note 10 Pro 4G was launched in India at Rs 15,999. It shipped with the Snapdragon 732G chipset, with 8GB RAM and 128GB storage.