Lenovo-owned Motorola is set to make an appearance at the upcoming Mobile World Congress with its 2018 lineup of smartphones. Though there is no official word yet, Lenovo is expected to launch a number of handsets at the event. A Twitter user has now presented interesting information about these Moto handsets. Andri Yatim revealed the Touch ID position for the upcoming Moto smartphones. As per the user, at least two Motorola smartphones are expected to not feature fingerprint scanners. Instead, they will rely on the 3D front-facing scanning technology like the Apple iPhone X.
Previously in January, Moto’s entire 2018 lineup was leaked, with a number of renders and specs of the yet to be released devices. The leaked phones included the Moto G6, Moto G6 Plus, Moto G6 Play, Moto E5, Moto Z3, Moto Z3 Play and Moto X5.
First up is the Moto’s affordable G series smartphones. The Moto G6 and G6 Plus will have fingerprint sensors up front while the cheaper Moto G6 Play device will have a rear fingerprint scanner. This is in line with the previously leaked renders of the smartphones. The G6 and G6 Plus are shown with a fingerprint scanner embedded in the front physical home screen button. The Moto G6 Play, however, will have the sensor located inside the Moto branding on the rear.
As for the affordable Moto E5, the smartphone will too have a rear fingerprint scanner. It is though unclear where the fingerprint ID will be located. Just like the G6 Play, we expect the sensor to be embedded beneath the circular Moto branding that is below the camera module on the rear.
The Moto X5, on the other hand, will not have a fingerprint scanner but will go with the more innovative facial detection security. The device will use the front facing camera along with 3D mapping technology to provide for the security of the phone. The Moto X5 is said to be equipped dual front cameras and feature “Moto’s Smart AI” technology.
Lastly, is the Moto’s flag bearer Z series. The Moto Z3 will once again be using the 3D front facing cameras for the security purposes. The more affordable Moto Z3 Play will instead rely on the fingerprint scanner, which however is located on the side button as the per leaked information. If that happens, it will be the first Moto smartphone with fingerprint scanner placed on the side.
Of course, none of this information is from official sources, and the user thanked Alibaba suppliers for giving him this information. So better wait out until the MWC 2018 when Motorola officially announces their new smartphone range.