Bharat offers one of the cheapest mobile data in the world. With affordable data, India's digital revolution continues to transform lives, the Department of Telecom (DoT) shared in a post on social platform X on January 27, 2025. According to the department, "Cheap handsets, internet penetration and affordable data have placed a mobile phone in almost every hand in the country."
Also Read: India’s Digital Economy to Outpace Agriculture, Manufacturing by 2030: Govt Report
The Ease of Living
The DoT shared that the "Communication landscape stands vastly changed today, with a mobile phone in almost every hand in India. As of October 2024, there were 1.15 billion mobile subscribers, of which around 1.06 billion were active, and 928 million wireless internet subscribers as of June 2024. The cost of calls has come down to just 3 paisa per minute, and that of mobile data Rs 9.08 per GB, among the lowest in the world."
"India leads globally in monthly average data consumption per smartphone, consuming 32GB of data on average compared to 19GB globally," it said.
Launch of 5G Services
According to a note, shared by the DoT, things are only going to get better. "5G services, launched in late 2022 in India, promise to change the world as we know it. Expect faster speeds at a quicker response time, the era of 4K and 8K televisions, and virtual reality (VR) applications."
"It will also spell transformational change for the common man, as Amitabh Kant, former CEO of NITI Aayog, points out—a fillip to digital education, point-of-care diagnostics and connected ambulance services in healthcare; the next level of simple, seamless and secure payments; improve charging infrastructure for electric vehicles; integrate initiatives across transit systems like FASTag for toll and entry tax; help monitor farms for the health of crops, or impart virtual training in irrigation; and boost the efficiency on the shop floor. The future, clearly, is here," the note shared by the DoT highlighted.
Also Read: India to Promote Cheap Data Rates, 5G Expansion to Attract Global Investments: Report
Furthermore, in another post, the DoT also shared a video of the Republic Day parade, which highlighted India's digital advancements. These included Scan to Pay, the UPI initiative by the Ministry of Rural Development.