Samsung recently launched the Galaxy S25 series globally at the Galaxy Unpacked event. The South Korean tech giant launched three new smartphones under the Galaxy S25 series. Today, we will talk about the vanilla Galaxy S25 in the lineup. It launched globally starting with a 256GB internal storage variant. The starting RAM variant is 12GB. There's another 12GB+512GB variant, and the base variant which is the 12GB+256GB starts at Rs 80,999. However, online reports now suggest that Samsung is planning to bring a new base variant for the Galaxy S25 will 128GB of internal storage. This variant will naturally be priced lower. Let's look at the details.
Read More - Samsung Launches Galaxy S25 Series in India: Price and Specs
Samsung Galaxy S25 with 128GB Storage Price in India (Expected)
According to a report from 91Mobiles Hindi, Samsung is soon going to bring the Galaxy S25 with 128GB of internal storage. It will be priced in India starting at Rs 74,999 only. This will be a more competitive price against the likes of the OnePlus 13, iPhone 16, and more devices. However, many industry experts and commenters believe that Samsung has overpriced the vanilla Galaxy S25 devices.
At the time of writing this, the Galaxy S25 is up for pre-orders, but the regular 128GB memory variant is not yet listed. So take this development with a grain of salt has Samsung has not yet announced the arrival fo the Galaxy S25 with 128GB. But it would make sense to launch that memory variant in the country as with bank and exchange offers, its price could well be below Rs 70,000.
Read More - Samsung Galaxy S25 Series Supports Satellite Connectivity
Samsung Galaxy S25 features the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite for performance and up to 12GB of LPDDR5x RAM and up to 512GB of storage. There's a triple-camera setup at the rear with a 50MP primary sensor with 2x in-sensor zoom, 12MP ultra-wide-angle lens, and a 10MP telephoto sensor with 3x optical zoom. For selfies, there's a 12MP sensor at the front.