JioPhoneCall AI was announced by Akash Ambani and Kiran Thomas at the 47th Annual General Meet (AGM) of Reliance Industries Limited. During the AGM, a demo of JioPhoneCall AI was showcased. The goal of Reliance Industries with AI (artificial intelligence) is to make it affordable and accessible for everyone. Mukesh Ambani, Chairman and Managing Director of Reliance Industries said that AI should not be reserved only for expensive phones, it should be accessible by anyone, anywhere. Thus, JioPhoneCall AI is designed to work over the cloud, and to ensure that the cloud experience of users stays seamless, Jio has also announced free 100GB cloud storage. Let's take a look at what JioPhoneCall AI is.
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Understanding JioPhoneCall AI
With JioPhoneCall AI, users can use AI with every call. Users will just have to add the JioPhonecall AI's phone number (1-800-732673) to their call, just like they would another person. This is more like adding this AI number from Jio in a conference call. After that, you will hear a welcome message, and you can start recording your conversation by pressing 1 on your dialpad. The recording will be available for you in the cloud and will be transcribed conversationally.
"In the background, Phonecall AI listens and turns everything you say into text, quickly and accurately," said Reliance. Using the JioCloud, you can access this anywhere and anytime. Since you get 100GB of free cloud data storage, it will be even more useful.
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How is this Different from Samsung or Apple's AI Call Recording?
While Samsung has already launched this AI call recoding feature through which the conversation is recorded, transcribed, and summarised, Apple has given us a demo of the same that will be executed with Apple Intelligence. So what's different between what Apple and Samsung are offering compared to what Jio is offering?
The thing that is different here is accessibility. Apple will only give support for this feature to select iPhones with Apple Intelligence. Apple said that it will be available only in iPhone 15 Pro devices and later iPhones.
It is the same with Samsung. Samsung's AI features are not available on every phone. At the same time, the JioPhoneCall AI should work in almost everyphone. Since the processing is happening in the cloud, your phone doesn't need additional computing needs to run it. Also, the cloud storage here with Jio is free.
Reliance Industries is truly getting behind its vision of AI for everyone with this feature.