Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has silently upgraded the data and speed benefits of its Rs 599 broadband plan. The Bharat Fibre service from BSNL has very competitive plans and the state-run telco would definitely want to regain its lost market share from the private telecom operators. The Rs 599 plan is a decent pack for budget-conscious customers, especially after the plan has received a benefits bump. What is the benefit bump and what were the old benefits, let's talk about that here.
BSNL Rs 599 Fibre Basic Plus Plan
BSNL's Rs 599 Fibre Basic Plus plan has been on offer for customers since 2020. Let's start with the old benefits of the plan, and then move ahead to the new benefits.
With the old benefits, users got 60 Mbps download and upload speed, along with 3.3TB of monthly data. Post the consumption of FUP (fair usage policy) data, the speed was reduced to 2 Mbps.
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Now let's look at the new benefits.
The Rs 599 Fibre Basic Plus plan from BSNL comes with 100 Mbps of speed and 4TB of monthly data. Further, after the FUP data consumption, the speed reduces to 4 Mbps. So the speed has been increased, FUP data has been increased, and the speed after consumption of FUP data has been increased as well.
At Rs 599, this is a great offer from BSNL.
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Of course, there's another Rs 599 plan offered by BSNL which is called Fibre Basic OTT and it comes with 75 Mbps of speed. The plan bundles 4TB of monthly FUP data, and offers customers a free subscription of Disney+ Hotstar Super.
Note that with all the plans mentioned above, users get a free fixed-line voice calling connection, but for that, the landline instrument has to be purchased separately by the customer as BSNL doesn't provide it.