India’s leading CDMA mobile operator, Tata Teleservices Limited and Blackberry maker, Research In Motion (RIM) today introduced a new Data plan specifically for Tata Indicom's BlackBerry customers in India.
Dubbed as "Tata Indicom MaiLite" plan will be available for its BlackBerry subscribers with the smartphone models- the BlackBerry 8830 and the BlackBerry 8703.
The plan offers TATA Indicom customers with unlimited email and instant messaging (IM) on BlackBerry smartphone for just Rs. 299 per month.
According to the plan, users can get unlimited data for accessing up to 10 supported email accounts, in addition to an elective BlackBerry email address, and popular instant messaging (IM) services .
The BlackBerry Personal Mail service plan offers unlimited access to the industry-leading email and instant messaging features on the BlackBerry platform, allowing TATA Indicom customers to access up to 10 supported POP3/IMAP email accounts (including most popular ISP email accounts such as Yahoo! Mail and Google Mail) as well as various instant messaging services (including Windows Live Messenger, GTalk, Yahoo! Messenger and BlackBerry Messenger) from a single device.
Speaking at the occasion, Mr. Pradeep Dwivedi, Senior Vice President – Marketing, Tata Teleservices Limited said, “This is a paradigm shift in the proliferation of email access by mobile users. I am confident that this proposition will interest a broad range of users and we are glad to offer them a competitive tariff and handset price for the BlackBerry solution.”
Commenting further, Ms. Frenny Bawa, Vice President India, Research In Motion said, “RIM is pleased to work with Tata Teleservices to bring this new BlackBerry data plan to their customers. The MaiLite data plan will significantly help in broadening the reach of BlackBerry smartphones and services in India.”