WhatsApp has pushed a new update to Apple iPhones which takes the version number to 2.18.20. As usual, there are few hidden changes in this update too which WhatsApp did not highlight, but WABetaInfo has revealed the complete changelog of this update for iOS. Firstly, this new 2.18.20 adds a Private Reply button for users who're no more a participant in the group, new search button in group info, and finally, WhatsApp is now available for CarPlay devices.
Firstly, the major update would be the support for CarPlay devices. If you have a compatible infotainment system placed in your car, you can now connect WhatsApp to your car and can browse your conversations while driving. Also, you can ask Siri to read out messages for you while driving.
Furthermore, you can also send a message using WhatsApp for CarPlay. This is one of the most requested features by iPhones users as the CarPlay is around with us for more than three years now.
Talking about the Private Reply feature, a user can now directly message from a group if he/she is now longer part of a group or the group is killer permanently. For example, you're removed from a group, but you can still head over to the group and tap a message which takes you to the chat screen. And the best part is the receiver can tap on the message which takes them to the group chat screen.
Lastly, WhatsApp introduced a new search button in the group info screen. After updating WhatsApp to the latest version, users can see a new search button in the group info which allows them to search group participants with ease. However, as you can see in the image, there's a search text and not search icon, which doesn't look great. Also, WhatsApp now shows group administrators on top, which is the same feature introduced by the company in the Android version a couple of days ago.
WhatsApp has already submitted the latest version 2.18.20 to the Apple App Store. So head over to the App Store and update your app to enjoy the new features.