The next net neutrality news is all the way from US! The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) published new net neutrality regulations in the Federal Register, the daily journal of US Government actions. Accordingly, the new regulations will come into effect from June 12.
Against the regulations, United States Telecom Association (USTelecom), a trade group consisting of prominent American telecom players such as AT&T and Verizon refiled a lawsuit on Monday in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
The new regulation change the classification of wired and wireless broadband as regulated utility service rather than an information service, by invoking Title II of the Communications Act. The rules will thus, prohibit internet service providers from selling, slowing and blocking the priority delivery of content to consumers.
US Telecom finds the rules as ‘arbitrary and capricious’. "USTelecom believes the FCC used the wrong approach to implementing net neutrality standards, which our industry supports and incorporates into everyday business practices," said Walter McCormick, President, USTelecom, in a statement.
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USTelecom also finds the regulations to slow down innovations and investments, which will burden the consumer later.
FCC approved the new rules by a 3-2 vote on February 26.