Airtel and Idea extend helping hands for flood victims in J&K

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Telecos have been extending helping hands for the J&K flood victims as the situation in the twin states has taken an ugly toll. Thousands of people have been displaced from their families and the electricity shut down and the food shortage have added to the woes of the victim. The grief struck victims are also not able to call their loved ones or place a distress call as the cellphone towers have been moved down by the mighty floods.

Telecos have dedicated some serious effort to bring back the communication channels back on track. Airtel has started a free calling facility letting the users call for 60 minutes per day without incurring any charges for the next 5 days. Additionally Airtel have also setup 5 VSAT terminals at critical areas to create public Wi-Fi hotspots thus enabling free access to data services.

Airtel has also set PCOs in Poonch, Airfield and Nagli Saab providing free calls to everyone.

Idea Cellular has also shown vested interest in helping out the flood victims and they have auto credited Rs12 in the accounts of customers with low balance. They have also introduced 60minutes free calling for all subscribers in Kashmir Valley. Idea have also setup several free PCOs so that the distraught victims can connect with their family and friends.

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Mahit Huilgol is a Mechanical Engineering graduate and is a Technology and Automobile aficionado. He ditched the Corporate boardroom wars in the favor for technology battle ground. He is also a foodie by heart and loves both the edible chips and non-edible silicon chips.

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