Samsung Galaxy S25 series comes packed with Snapdragon Satellite from Qualcomm. Qualcomm recently confirmed that the Galaxy S25 series is the first set of commercial smartphones that feature Snapdragon Satellite. This includes all three devices Samsung Galaxy S25, Samsung Galaxy S25+ and Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra. This means that these three devices will support satellite connectivity for communication. Samsung didn't talk about this during the launch even strangely.
The Samsung Galaxy S25 series is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset. This is a chip that is featured on other flagships as well, including the OnePlus 13. However, the OnePlus 13 doesn't have satellite connectivity support. This is because the Galaxy S25 series features a customised version of the Snapdragon 8 Elite which includes the Snapdragon X80 5G modem which the Snapdragon Satellite is a part of.
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Samsung likely didn't talk about this feature because it has not been activated yet. This means that users won't be able to get support for satellite communication right away. They will have to wait sometime until Samsung activates the service through a software update. Such a feature is already available on iPhones since many years now. However, it is only available in select regions of the world.
It could be a possibility that the other smartphones which feature the same chip may also be able to support satellite connectivity in the future if they have Snapdragon Satellite. It would be a useful feature to have in a phone especially if the user is travelling to remote regions quite frequently.
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In India, the Samsung Galaxy S25 series starts at Rs 80,999 for the vanilla Galaxy S25 with 12GB+256GB memory. The Galaxy S25 Ultra starts at Rs 1,29,999 for the 12GB+256GB variant.