Pan India 3G mobile and Data service provider Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) finally introduced new Unlimited 3G Data Plan at Rs.700 (with FUP) for its postpaid customers in all telecom circles of South Zone.
New Unlimited Plan will comes for Rs.700 offers 6 GB 3G Data usage with 3.6 Mbps speed and thereafter Unlimited free data usage with speed of 256 Kbps. Free data usage will be valid for Home and Roam across India.
The new plan will be implemented in all South Zone Circles feasibility as a promotional measure for 90 days with effect from 16 July 2012.
"Best Value Plan" Revised :
Apart from the above new Unlimited 3G Plan, BSNL has also revised its "Best Value Plan" for postpaid segment.In this plan BSNL has increased the free 3G data usage from 2 GB to 6 GB . The monthly rental of this plan is Rs.700 and 3G data charges after free usage limit is Rs 100/GB. The revised plan will be available from 16 July 2012 across all circles on pan India basis.