Xiaomi, in a blog post today confirmed that it sold five million units of Redmi 5A aka Desh Ka Smartphone in India since its launch. Alongside this announcement, the Chinese vendor has launched a new Lake Blue colour variant of the entry-level smartphone, in-line with its promise of offering devices in different colour options. The Lake Blue variant today went on for sale on Flipkart and Mi.com along with other colour variants- Grey, Gold and Rose Gold. And as usual, all the variants went out of stock within seconds. The next sale of the smartphone will be held next week, and the phone is also available across Mi Preferred stores and Mi Home stores.
The Redmi 5A was launched on the last day of November 2017, but the first sale happened in the first week of December 2017. Within just over three months, Xiaomi has managed to sell five million units of the Redmi 5A, which is astonishing. Back at the launch event, Xiaomi said that the phone would be available at Rs 4,999 (2GB RAM option) for the first five million buyers.
Since the company achieved that in just over three months, it increased the price of the base variant to Rs 5,999 last week. The Redmi 5A is one of the best entry-level smartphones out there because it packs excellent features for the asking price. Particularly for Rs 4,999, the phone used to be a steal deal. However, the price has now increased, and if you want to purchase the device, you'll be charged Rs 5,999 for the 2GB of RAM and 16GB storage model and Rs 6,999 for the 3GB of RAM and 32GB of storage model.
The Redmi 5A faces tough competition from Tenor D smartphone, which offers a bigger battery, fingerprint scanner, stock Android, along with a permanent price of Rs 4,999. Amazon India is exclusively selling the Tenor D device on its platform on weekly flash sales. Like the Redmi 5A, the Tenor D is also going out of stock within a matter of seconds, which explains the entire popularity of the device. However, Amazon is yet to reveal the sale numbers of the smartphone though. The Tenor D was launched in the first week of January 2018. It will be interesting to see Tenor' sale numbers this quarter. It may not touch Xiaomi's impressive numbers, but the firm might outperform Samsung in this quarter.
To recall, the Redmi 5A flaunts a 5-inch HD display, Snapdragon 425 SoC, 2GB/3GB of RAM, 16GB/32GB of storage, dedicated microSD card slot, 13MP rear camera, 5MP front-facing camera, MIUI 9 based on Android Nougat and a 3000mAh battery.