After teasing for the entire last week, Motorola has now officially announced the 6GB RAM variant of its mid-range smartphone, the Moto X4 in India. Like the earlier two Moto X4 versions, the Moto X4 6GB will be available exclusively on Flipkart and Moto Hub offline stores at a price of Rs 24,999. Customers purchasing the newly launched variant of the Moto X4 will get additional 490GB of free data on Vodafone network with a recharge of Rs 199. Also, Flipkart is offering flat Rs 1,500 discount with ICICI credit cards.
The Moto X4 6GB will also be available in two colours- Super Black and Sterling Blue starting 11:59 PM, January 31. As stated, Vodafone prepaid and postpaid customers will receive up to 490GB of additional data on a recharge of Rs 199 or more every month, but sadly, the monthly additional data quota is yet to be revealed. Already, Bharti Airtel is offering 15GB of free data every month with a recharge of Rs 349 or more every month.
Moto X4 6GB RAM Specifications
Besides the additional 2gigs of RAM, there are not many changes to the specifications of the smartphone. On the brighter side, the Moto X4 6GB comes with Android 8.0 Oreo out of the box, which makes it one of the only mid-range device to run Oreo this early.
The Moto X4 (first impressions) offers a 5.2-inch Full HD display, and it is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 630 chipset, coupled with 3GB/4GB/6GB of RAM and 32GB/64GB of internal storage. There are two cameras at the back- a primary 12MP RGB sensor and a secondary 8MP wide-angle sensor. The phone also offers Portrait mode and an innovative Object Tracking mode. This entire package is backed by a 3000mAh battery with Moto's TurboCharge fast charging technology.
The Moto X4 is also one among the few smartphones under Rs 25,000 to offer 6GB of RAM. Motorola also stated that the other two variants- the 3GB and 4GB RAM would be updated to Oreo in the coming weeks. The update was rolled out back in December, but it seems like only a few people have received it as of now.