India’s first 3G Mobile and Data Service provider Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd (MTNL) today announced the launch of 2 new most affordable longer validity 3G Data Plans for its prepaid subscribers in Mumbai telecom circle.
MTNL Mumbai introduces new Half Yearly 3G Data plan for Rs.4500, offers 100 GB 3G Data Usage valid for 180 Days and Yearly 3G Data Plan for Rs.5000 offers 50 GB 3G Data Usage valid for 365 days from the date of recharge or activation.
Both new plans can be use while Home network as well as National Roaming on BSNL across India. The new plans will be available from 5th December via On-line Recharge or E-topup at MTNL Customer Service Centers and retailers across Mumbai circle.
Apart from the launch of above new 3G data plans, MTNL also revised its ‘True Unlimited’ 3G data plan of Rs.1650 and Rs.2500. Now both plans will be available as ‘Limited Plans’ and offers 50 GB and 100 GB 3G data usage respectively.
For more details dial 1503 / 9869012345 (toll free from MTNL).