With Private Operators You’re Paying 40% Extra for Same Benefit, Compared to BSNL

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Due to poor visibility (zero ad) of BSNL's ongoing Plans and offers among mobile users in TN (including Chennai) and absence of Uninor, Now TN based private GSM users are forced to paying 39% to 43% more for one month local mobile calling pack and also 300% to 400% paying more for every local landline / fixed line call per minute.

Apart from this, private network had decreased their STV - special tariff voucher’s validity from 30 days to 28 days, here are the comparison table: (only local calling pack in TN are taken for).


Most of the special tariff vouchers (voice calls) from Private networks are always given special benefits only for mobile calling; which pack is not support to landline/fixed line calls, so that they have forced to pay headline tariff or often called base tariff is Re.1/min to Rs.1.50p/min.

Private network has differentiated like on-net mobile calls, off-net mobile calls and fixed line calls. But BSNL has always differentiated like on-net (mobile/landline/fixed line) and off-net (mobile/landline/fixed line).

Many of the BSNL’s plan vouchers and special tariffs calling vouchers are supported / included on-net calls means (local and national mobile/landline/fixed line) and off-net calls means (local and national mobile/landline/fixed line). Due to this private network mobile users are forced to a call landline, it has charged 300% to 400% more than what BSNL Mobile users pay. So, Those who are using local voice calling pack from private networks they are have paying more than BSNL user.

If BSNL users opt full usage value offer after that they opt any special tariff voucher by activation via sms mode means they are getting some special discounts (waiver from service tax) as customers already paid up while topuping. But private network users are getting nothing wavier (service tax) by SMS mode activation of any special tariff vouchers.

Apart from this, if you take above local calling packs the leading private networks are charging local calls as per minute basis.But BSNL is charging as second basis for users of special tariff voucher for local calling pack.

Note: Subscriber wise network list (TN including Chennai):
Aircel has 2.12 Cr customer base,
Airtel has 1.35 Cr,
Vodafone has 1.22 Cr
BSNL GSM and CDMA has 95 Lakh,
Reliance GSM and CDMA has 70 Lakh,
TATA GSM and CDMA has 53 lakh
Idea has 23 Lakh user base in TN (including Chennai)
as per TRAI‘s latest MAR’13 data.

Likewise overall tariff wise BSNL is giving more than private networks, the only thing private network has more visibility of their plans and offers by spending more ads and they are charging more. Generally Indian mobile users are not interested to analyse these things before opting private networks and 90% of mobile users in India not aware of BSNL plans and offers (because of absence of BSNL’s plans and offers ad).

Inputs : Sathish Kumar from Gobichettipalayam (TN).

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So do they plan to pay all AGR dues, or are they waiving white flag here ?

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