WhatsApp, a major social-media platform with several hundred million users in India, will now be better integrated with other Meta apps including Instagram and Facebook. In a recent post, Meta Platforms said that users will soon be able to share their stories from WhatsApp directly on Facebook and Instagram. This feature is already supported by Instagram, wherein a user can share a story on Instagram and automatically share it across Facebook as well.
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Along with this, Meta said that it will bring more universal features for its social media applications. The idea looks like it is to make platforms and content more engaging for users, regardless of which platform they choose to spend their time on. The power or the decision to share the story from WhatsApp to other platforms will always stay in the hands of the user.
Users will not have to waste time posting the same content everywhere this way. They can just upload to one platform and share it across others as well. Along with this, the account integration feature will allow users to log back into the accounts in fewer and simpler steps together.