With over 2 billion active users, WhatsApp is one of the world’s leading online messaging app. WhatsApp has been providing users with faster connectivity and great service for a while now and it is about time the user experience gets more enhanced. WhatsApp is looking forward to bringing new and exciting features on its platform which may either add functionality to its already existing features or could be a completely new feature on its own. In this article, we’ll talk about the features which WhatsApp may soon bring to its platform.
The Upcoming Features from on WhatsApp
One of the most exciting features coming up that will be advantageous for businesses is that WhatsApp is going to allow them to create advertisements that could be linked with the WhatsApp account. This will help the running businesses to attract an audience from Facebook as the ad will allow interested buyers to know that businesses operate on WhatsApp as well. The "Advertise on the Facebook" option will be soon available in the tool settings with the upcoming updates on WhatsApp business using which users can create a Facebook ad.
iOS users are going to receive a better privacy option very soon. The new ‘My Contacts Except’ feature is soon coming on the platform which will allow users to control who can see their Last Seen, About, and Profile Photo on WhatsApp. The WhatsApp beta will include a feature where users can create customized group icons using emojis, icons, and even a custom background. This feature is expected to arrive with the Android beta update.
WhatsApp on iOS on the other hand will soon witness a new ‘communities’ feature. The feature is designed to allow admins to have more control over the smaller groups of their community. If invited privately by the admin, users can also join these communities using the ‘Community invite Link.’
Last but not the least, as reported earlier WhatsApp is also working to make itself a multi-device platform currently multi-device is available in its beta program which allows the users to opt-out of it when desired. However, according to recent sources, this feature has been removed and will be rolled out on WhatsApp beta for iOS with a compulsion.