WhatsApp is possibly the best instant messaging application available right now, but the company is not looking to settle down anytime soon. The Facebook-owned company today pushed a new update to its iOS users with version number 2.18.30, which added the much-awaited time and location stickers to the photo editing tools. But that's not all, this update comes with a lot of hidden features, which WhatsApp will enable in the upcoming updates. After starting its work on group calls for Android, WhatsApp has finally started working on group calls feature for iOS as well, meaning Apple iPhone users will also get this feature in the first phase itself.
Also, the 2.18.30 update allows users to search for a participant right from the group info itself, a nice little feature to have around. This feature was introduced in WhatsApp Android version a couple of weeks ago. Here's the official changelog of the WhatsApp 2.18.30 for iOS:
- When editing a photo or video, tap the smiley icon to add time or location stickers.
- From group info, you can now search the list of group participants
Aforesaid, these are the features WhatsApp has introduced officially to the users, as per WABetaInfo, WhatsApp has started working on a lot of new features. Firstly, group voice calls. Recently, we reported that WhatsApp would be rolling out group voice calls feature to Android users very soon and the company has started working on group voice calls feature for iOS as well. With the Group Voice Call feature, a user can add up to three persons to a voice calls, but there's no update on group video calling though.
Secondly, WhatsApp has added the recently revised General Data Protection Regulation privacy to the iOS version as well, which allows users to download their data when the feature goes official. This feature was added to Android version as well, but it' still hidden and will be activated latest by May 25, 2018.
Furthermore, WhatsApp has tweaked the WhatsApp Payments interface a bit, not a major overhaul though. Also, this update brings Pinned Description feature that displays the description of a group for a new user who joins using the invite link. WhatsApp will also be rolling out the group description feature to iOS users very soon. The new WhatsApp version 2.18.30 is already available for download via App Store.