Earlier this month, Samsung released the new One UI 5.0 beta for the Galaxy S22 series. The latest beta version was also made available to owners of the Galaxy S22 series in India by the business. Samsung's most recent One UI 5.0 update for Galaxy devices includes a variety of new features. It is anticipated that the stable deployment will happen soon. The new One UI beta version is being made available to more people by Samsung. Users of Samsung Galaxy S21 series phones are now receiving the One UI 5.0 beta update from the firm. For the S21 series, the public beta update for One UI is not yet accessible in India. Samsung will likely release the beta update for customers of the Indian Galaxy S21 series fairly soon. Here's a quick peek at the One UI 5.0 beta update details while we wait for that.
Samsung Galaxy S21 Series Gets One UI 5.0 Beta Update
Samsung has begun distributing the One UI 5.0 beta update for Galaxy S21 series users in a few areas based on Android 13. Users of the Galaxy S21 series in South Korea and the UK can get the update (UK). The new One UI software can only be downloaded and installed by people who have registered for the program because it is a public beta upgrade. On the Samsung Members app, you can register if you're interested. You should receive the new update notification shortly after registering your information. Beginning in October 2022, the final upgrade is anticipated to roll out to all eligible devices. It will initially be released on the most recent Galaxy S22 series.
Along with stacked widgets, opt-in notifications for particular apps, and other features, the new One UI beta update includes the Android 13 colour palette. OCR, often known as optical character recognition, is added to the Gallery app as part of the upgrade. Users can copy and paste text from photographs into other apps thanks to the feature's recognition of text in images. For more information on the new One UI 5.0 features, click here.