OnePlus Pad could soon launch in India. OnePlus is conducting the Cloud 11 launch event in New Delhi on Feb 7, 2023. The Chinese tech giant is going to launch several products during the launch event. Some of the products that have already been confirmed by the company are - OnePlus Buds Pro 2, OnePlus 11 5G, OnePlus Keyboard, OnePlus TV 65 Q2 Pro and OnePlus 11R 5G. But alongside these, OnePlus could announce several other products. One of those products could be the OnePlus Pad.
Read More - OnePlus TV 65 Q2 Pro to Launch on Feb 7 in India
OnePlus Pad could be the rebranded OPPO Pad which has already been launched in India. OPPO Pad is an affordable tablet, and it runs on ColorOS. OnePlus Pad would be running on OxygenOS. A popular tipster @OnLeaks (on Twitter) has shared the first look of the upcoming OnePlus tablet. This would be the first tablet from OnePlus in India. So OnePlus would be entering several new product categories, including tablets and keyboards, with the Cloud 11 launch event.
Read More - OnePlus Buds Pro 2 to be the First TWS with Android’s Spatial Audio
The company has already launched the OnePlus 11 5G in China. Thus, you can take a look at its specifications as it is going to be the same for the Indian market as well. However, pricing would be the key for OnePlus to ensure that the product is a hit. OnePlus 11R would also be an interesting addition, and hopefully, it keeps the alert slider that the OnePlus 11 is coming with.