New MSC codes allocated for the Telcos spread across LSAs

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The number of GSM subscribers in the country is rising steeply and it becomes essential for the authorities to assign new number series for the Telcos. The new number allocation will make the previous allocations null and void. MSC codes are allocated to Idea Cellular, Vodafone West Limited, Telewings Communications Services Private Limited and Bharti Airtel.

The following MSCs have been allocated to the respective operators


Additionally the MSC codes in the 94 series have been allocated to BSNL, spreading across various service areas. DoT has issued directions for rearrangement of MSC codes in the 94 series for 7 LSAs given below


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Mahit Huilgol is a Mechanical Engineering graduate and is a Technology and Automobile aficionado. He ditched the Corporate boardroom wars in the favor for technology battle ground. He is also a foodie by heart and loves both the edible chips and non-edible silicon chips.

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