February 29th, 2020 6:18 PM 1 COMMENTS

Video Streaming Platforms Gain Attraction Post Trai New NTO 2.0

Trai has been saying good deeds about their revised NTO 2.0 structure as customers will enjoy the revised price structure in the new tariff order. However, reality shows another side of the story. As per the survey by YouGov which was done back in 2019, when the official orders were passed about the revised price structure, approximately 49% people who took part in the survey showed their interest and likeness... Read More

February 28th, 2020 2:18 PM 2 COMMENTS

Trai Says NTO 2.0 Will Be Implemented as Planned on March 1

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) addressed the supreme bench and noted that they could not defer implementation of new NTO 2.0, which was earlier challenged by multiple broadcasters. The new court of Justice Anuja Prabhudesai and Justice AA Syed earlier asked Trai if they can defer the new NTO 2.0 which was supposed to launch on March 1 and it was difficult for Bombay HC to go through... Read More

February 25th, 2020 1:53 PM 0 COMMENTS

MCOF Challenges Trai NTO 2.0 in Bombay High Court

Maharashtra Cable Operations Foundation (MCOF) along with Digital Cable Operators Association of Mumbai (DCOAM) have appealed to Bombay high court challenging the network capacity fee (NCF) introduced by Trai in NTO 2.0. The MCOF have challenged the decision of NCF cap of Rs 160 per month and discounts on second and additional TV connections decided by Trai. To settle the matter, the bench of Justice AA Syed and Justice Anuja... Read More

February 25th, 2020 12:31 PM 1 COMMENTS

Trai Gets Demand to Bring Floor Tariff In Action From Government

Government officials have reached out to Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) to fasten up the process and decide floor tariffs which would restore the long term viability of the telecom sector. According to the words of a senior government official “The regulator is being pushed to soon come out with a floor price, once the consultation completes this month.” Trai facing the burden from government and sector to fix... Read More

February 20th, 2020 6:59 AM 1 COMMENTS

Set-Top Box Interoperability by Trai in Jeopardy as DTH Operators Oppose the Move

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) is making a lot of changes in the broadcasting sector to bring transparency similar to the telecom sector. The first major change made by Trai was the National Tariff Order 1.0 which become effective last year and it will be replaced by National Tariff Order 2.0 this year. The second big thing in the pipeline is the Set-Top Box interoperability. As the name... Read More

February 18th, 2020 6:42 PM 5 COMMENTS

Trai Drafts Regulation to Remove 50 Paise Charges on SMSes After Daily Limit of 100

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) today released a draft Telecommunication Tariff (65th Amendment) Order, 2020 on "Regulation of tariff for Short Message Service." Trai believes that there is no requirement to keep the current 50 paise charges after the daily limit of 100 SMSes as there are enough technologies to detect the spam SMSes. The reason behind Trai implementing the 50 paise charges is to curb the spam... Read More

February 17th, 2020 6:05 PM 1 COMMENTS

Trai New Rules Will Again Need Some Consumer Preparedness

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) has spent the last six months ideating and deliberating on the rules which govern the DTH and broadcasting sector. The Trai tariff regime which was introduced back in early 2019 faced a lot of criticism from the subscribers, and a little criticism from the stakeholders as well. Now, with the help of the stakeholders and lengthy deliberation, Trai has decided to rollout the... Read More

February 16th, 2020 2:46 PM 4 COMMENTS

Trai Pushes DTH, Cable TV Operators and Broadcasters to Implement NTO on March 1

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai), confirmed that its new tariff order 2020 or NTO 2.0 stands to be implemented on March 1 even as it is challenged in different high courts. The regulator has directed broadcasters and distribution platform operators (DPOs) to publish required information on their website to allow customers to exercise their choice of channels and bouquets before March 1. Previously Trai had stated all broadcasters... Read More

February 14th, 2020 9:44 AM 0 COMMENTS

Trai Tells DTH Ops to List Unavailable Channel Packs For New Tariff Regime

The new tariff regime rules charted out by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) bring some heavy changes related to the DTH and the cable TV industry. This basically means that the consumers will see changes going forward in a few days. The new rules kick-off on March 1. Some of the major changes include the pricing of channels and the rules which define the curation of the channel... Read More

February 13th, 2020 11:19 AM 1 COMMENTS

Trai NTO 2.0 May Not Come into Effect on March 1 as Bombay HC Postpones Hearing Again

Trai's National Tariff Order 2.0 implementation might be delayed further as Bombay High Court postpones the hearing for IBF vs Trai matter to February 26. On January 1, Trai announced new amendments to tariff regime which is heavily opposed by broadcasters. Seeking relief for broadcasters, IBF or Indian Broadcasting Foundation approached Bombay High Court and the hearing has been pending for the last four weeks. On January 30, the Bombay... Read More

February 12th, 2020 7:02 AM 1 COMMENTS

Differences Between Trai NTO 2.0 and NTO 1.0 for DTH Users Detailed

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) will soon implement the National Tariff Order (NTO) 2.0 for DTH and Cable TV subscribers. NTO 2.0 will bring a lot of changes and fix some major flaws of NTO 1.0, which became effective last year. Right after the introduction of National Tariff Order 1.0, a lot of DTH and Cable TV users stopped renewing their monthly subscription due to various reasons like... Read More

February 10th, 2020 7:01 AM 1 COMMENTS

Trai Aims to Maintain Transparency by Reducing Cap of A-la-Carte Channels to Rs 12 from Rs 19

Telecom regulator Trai always urged it wanted to maintain "transparency" in the broadcasting sector with the National Tariff Order. However, the NTO 1.0 failed to make a mark in the industry due to various reasons like increased monthly subscription prices, the sub-par implementation from operators, pricier individual channels, broadcasters playing with bouquet packs and so on. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India is now aiming to fix these issues and... Read More

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