India’s government led telecom operator, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited has been rolling out offer after offer to lure customers from every source. Whether it is on prepaid, postpaid, broadband or landline in the past few months, BSNL has stuck with its motto of providing consumer-centric services which have been quite successful in attracting the attention of people. Given that Reliance Jio GigaFiber is on the verge of a nationwide rollout, BSNL is already gearing up for the competition that it is about to face. Previously we have seen lots of revision, broadband-related offers and more. Now, BSNL has come up with a new announcement wherein it has said that it will waive off installation charges for landline connections and more services. However, this offer will only be valid in all the BSNL circles where it's providing the said services.
BSNL Waives of Installation Charges for its Select Services
BSNL has said that the installation charges for new landline connections, DSL and FTTH connections will be waived off for the subscribers till June 30, 2019. Like we mentioned above, this new offer will only be valid in Chennai circle and it has already gone live on March 31, 2019. Since the Chennai circle is a prominent one for BSNL, it makes sense for the telco to first rollout this offer here. Hence, if any subscriber is willing to buy a new BSNL FTTH, DSL or Landline connection, then they will be able to do so without paying any installation charges. However, the subscriber will have to pay the security deposit since these are two different charges. It is worth noting that BSNL had already waived off the installation charges for its FTTH plans but, this new circular extends the offer to other connections as well like landline and DSL.
BSNL Rolls Out Wi-Fi Hotspots at Over 16,000+ Sites
As part of its consumer-centric strategy which has supposedly been implemented to bring BSNL back from the widening pit of losses, the telco is rolling out new services like Wi-Fi hotspots across the country. BSNL has deployed a total of 30,419 hotspots till now across 16,367 sites and is retailing vouchers for accessing the same. The subscribers will be able to buy data packets using these vouchers which will then be used for accessing the internet through hotspots. Subscribers will be able to purchase various Wi-Fi hotspot vouchers worth Rs 19, Rs 59 and Rs 69 offering data and validity.
Not only this, but BSNL has been focused about its efforts in the industry as the telco has made plenty of revisions to its prepaid plans. Until March 31, the telco was also offering a cashback offer for BSNL broadband subscribers of annual and semi-annual plans wherein they could get 25% cashback of their bill for further bill payments or getting additional BSNL services.