Amazon Prime, a subscription service from Amazon, costs Rs 1499 for the full year and Rs 179 per month. You can also get the subscription for a quarter for Rs 459 only. Now, Amazon is testing a new subscription called Amazon Prime Lite for Rs 999. If you remember, the Amazon Prime subscription earlier used to cost Rs 999. This is a price point that many Indian customers might have become accustomed to. Thus, Amazon could be trying to get both customers who can pay Rs 999 and Rs 1499 for a Prime subscription. There are, of course, fewer benefits with Amazon Prime Lite. Let me walk you through the subscription prices.
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Amazon Prime Lite Subscription: What is Different
There are several differences between the benefits of Prime and Prime Lite subscriptions from Amazon. The Prime Lite subscription is currently rolled out to select users in India. It might arrive for everyone in a phased manner. One of the biggest differences between the both is that with the Prime subscription, you can get free same-day and one-day delivery. However, this is not included with the Prime Lite subscription. With Prime Lite, you will get free two-day and standard delivery.
With Prime Lite, you will get access to Prime Video, but you can only play content on two devices at the same time, and it can either be mobile and TV. There are no ad-free movies and shows. You will only be able to stream in SD quality, but yes, you will get access to the entire library of Prime content. Also, with the Prime Lite subscription, you don't get access to free e-books and games.
The Prime Lite subscription is basically costing you Rs 83 per month, while the Prime subscription costs Rs 125 per month. The plan should arrive for everyone in India eventually.