Amazon has launched the Amazon Prime Video Store in India. The sole purpose of the Prime Video Store is for people to get early access to a lot of new movies as well as old movies which are already on the platform. Users who don’t have a Prime subscription will benefit by being able to rent old movies on Prime Video. This is for users who don’t want to purchase a subscription to Amazon Prime yet be able to rent movies whenever they want to satisfy their entertainment needs.
No Standard Price of Renting Movies on Amazon Prime Video
There’s no standard price for renting movies in HD on the Amazon Prime Video Store. Based on whether the movie is available with early access and its popularity, the platform will charge users money for watching something.
For example, ‘The Batman’, which is a new title and is available at Early Access, will cost users Rs 499 to rent it. Both the Prime and non-Prime members will have to pay this amount since it is available at early access.
But for old movies which are already on the platform, the price charged by the company is comparatively lower. Further, Prime members can access most of the old movies on the platform for free as they have a full-fledged Prime subscription. Renting old movies will only make sense for users who don’t have a Prime subscription and don’t want to get it either.
The price of renting a movie on early access in the Amazon Prime Video Store would be way lower than what you would have to pay as a whole for watching a movie in theatres with your family.
Spiderman: No Way Home is available for Rs 99 on the platform. Further, there’s also The Matrix: Resurrections available for Rs 149. More such movie titles can be found on the Amazon Prime Video Store, which is now available for people living in India as well.