Xiaomi already confirmed that Mi Mix 2S with Snapdragon 845 SoC would be unveiled on March 27. The company has released a video teaser for reconfirming Snapdragon 845, SoC and now a new teaser image reveals some important details. A teaser image posted on Chinese microblogging site Weibo hints the Mi Mix 2S camera will possess AI capabilities. The image once again teases the launch date of the smartphone. The Weibo post accompanying the image asks fans to look at the image carefully and guess whether the effect is made through the camera or AI feature. The post goes on to add that the Mi Mix 2S will be coming with a technological breakthrough in AI and photography.
This clearly points out Xiaomi will bring AI tricks to the smartphone, particularly in the photography department. This was previously hinted as firmware files of Mi Mix 2S revealed the camera to be equipped with scene recognition.
For enhanced photography, the camera will detect various kinds of scenes such as doc (document), flower, food, sky, sunrise/sunset, cat, dog, green plants, night, snow, sea, autumn, candlelight, car, grass, maple leaves, succulent, building, city, cloud, overcast and backlight.
As for the camera itself, the Mi Mix 2S is said to be arriving with Sony IMX363 12MP sensor at the back. It is the same sensor that is found on the recently launched Asus ZenFone 5Z and ZenFone 5 smartphones. Rumours also indicate that Mi Mix 2S might come with dual rear camera setup and IMX363 would be one of the sensors.
Previous leaks have indicated the device will have even thinner bezels than Mi Mix 2. This will also mean higher screen-to-body ratio than its predecessor. The display itself is said to be a 5.99-inch Full HD+ OLED screen with 18:9 aspect ratio. Samsung
Under the hood, Qualcomm’s top line Snapdragon 845 SoC paired with 8GB of RAM and 256GB internal storage will power the Mi Mix 2S. A mammoth 4400mAh battery will fuel the smartphone, and it will run latest Android 8.0 Oreo-based MIUI 9. A leaked render also tips that Mi Mix 2S will use an in-display fingerprint sensor, though Xiaomi has hinted nothing as such.