LG said it would be ditching G series brand name for its upcoming flagship, but it looks like the smartphone may be named LG G7 after all. The G7 is expected to be unveiled at MWC 18 along with likes of Galaxy S9. Unlike the Samsung device, there haven’t been a lot of leaks or render of the G7. A first alleged render of the device has appeared and shows the front of the device. As per the image, the top and bottom bezels are even tinier while the side ones are non-existent.
The render also reveals a Full Vision 18:9 display which has a higher screen to body ratio than the G6. There are also dual selfie cameras on the front which are seen on the left of the earpiece while proximity sensor and LED indicator is on the back. Two buttons possibly volume rockers are visible too while the power button will be most likely on the back.
Other than the design, the LG G7 is expected to be powered by Qualcomm’s top line Snapdragon 845 SoC. LG, however, is said to have hinted that the G7 could come packing last year’s Snapdragon 835. The situation is similar to that of G6 which was launched during the period when Samsung had exclusive access to SD 825 chipset, and LG had to do with Snapdragon 821 chipset.
In addition, the G7 is expected to come with Quick Charge 4.0 technology as per LG’s UK website. A support page that was later taken down talked about the Quick Charge technology in LG devices. A chart showed the G5 and G6 with Quick Charge 3.0, and the future G7 is listed as supporting Qualcomm’s Quick Charge 4.0 technology.
Another leak showed LG could bring their long-planned mobile payment app, the LG Wallet to G7. Other rumoured specs include newly advanced iris scanner which will not only unlock the device but also help protect sensitive information. The sensor will check what you are looking at and in case you are the owner of the device, the sensitive app will be available for opening.
As for the release date of G7, there is nothing concrete so far. The Korean smartphone maker may launch the device around MWC 2018 in February, but there has been not much information suggesting as such. LG may launch the G7 later in March with the phone shipping in April this year.