After two months of launching it in Delhi, Vodafone has now announced the "All-In-One Roaming Happy Pack" for Punjab circle as well. The All-In-One Roaming Happy Pack comes with free minutes for incoming and outgoing calls for the users on roaming. The pack also offers long-term validity at a cheaper rate. Commenting on the exclusivity of the pack, Vodafone claimed,"The pack incorporates Local talk time, STD, incoming and outgoing roaming seconds with free SMS in a single recharge. This is a first-of-its-kind roaming pack by any operator in Punjab,"
For the Vodafone Prepaid customers in Punjab, the pack is available at two Rs. 81 and Rs. 141. Both the packs offers 28 days validity. You can refer to the chart below for more details. Free minutes roaming pack comes handy for the users who make short voice calls. The pack is valid for both incoming and outgoing calls. However, free minutes for roaming calls will get exhausted quickly if the user dials or receives many voice calls in a short duration.
Pack (Rs) | Free Seconds | Validity ( Days) | Benefits |
Rs 81 | 6600 | 28 | Free Seconds for Local + STD + Roaming ( Incoming + Outgoing) + 10 SMS Free |
Rs 141 | 12000 | 28 | Free Seconds for Local + STD + Roaming ( Incoming + Outgoing) + 20 SMS Free |
In Punjab, Vodafone is facing a stiff competition from Bharti Airtel and Reliance JIO, as these companies are investing hugely in the area for building a robust 4G network. Also, Idea Cellular revealed its plan to launch the 4G service in coming weeks for 10 large cities in the circle.
Do you think Vodafone can sustain in Punjab by offering such offers? Share your views in the comment section below.